How to Get Verified on Instagram

How to Get Verified on Instagram

Are you wondering how to go about verifying your Instagram account to command credibility? Well, it’s not rocket science at all and will be discussed later on in this piece. But let’s talk about what it means to be verified on Instagram? It means you’re authenticating your presence on the platform along with other eminent personalities such as Hollywood stars, athletes and people who have made significant contributions to their communities. That’s it!

Things to do before applying for Instagram verification

Having that coveted blue badge isn’t as difficult as many people think, but it’s certainly not as simple as a walk in the park. You must earn it! Here some of the things you must do before applying for verification. Let’s take a look!

  • Be real: being authentic is the number one thing you need to do before even thinking about verification. You don’t want to say you’re Mr A when you’re actually Mr Z. It’s crucial you portray the person you’re, the registered business or any other thing.
  • Be unique: this is another key to Instagram verification, and it’s only a person or an account per person that gets verified, and that’s all. Except in the case of language-specific accounts. Instagram does not check general interest accounts.
  • Public: to be qualified for Instagram verification, without any equivocation, the account must be viewable to people.
  • Complete: This is one of the rules, to qualify for the verification, profile photo, bio, and at minimum, a post must be available on the account.
  • Notable: I believe this is where many who desire to get verified on Instagram are still lacking behind. To get verified, you must be a well-known person or the brand must be highly searched for on major search engines.

How to apply for verification 

Here are the three steps to take to getting verified on Instagram. Let’s dive in:

Log in

First thing first, log into the Instagram account you’d like to verify.

Request for verification 

Go to the menu icon at the top right corner of your profile, then tap it, you’ll see the setting gear icon, please tap it, look through the list, you’ll see account, tap it as well and from the drop-down menu that comes forth, you’ll see request for verification, tap it and then wait!

Confirm your identity 

You’ll then be asked to provide your account name and to fill some provided fields such as known as and category. Upload a government-issued ID and tap send.

Once you tap the send button, Instagram will review all the information provided and see if you’re eligible through uniqueness, completeness and how notable is the account you want to verify. If these indices are met with the information you provided, you’ll be notified by Instagram of the approval or otherwise, if you don’t meet the requirements.

You should be careful of emails asking you to pay for Instagram verification; they don’t collect a dime for verification.

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